Source code for ryvencore.Flow

This module defines the abstract flow, managing node, edges, etc.
Flow execution is implemented by FlowExecutor class.

A *flow* is a directed, usually but not necessarily acyclic multi-graph of *nodes*
and *edges* (connections between nodes). The nodes are the computational units and
the edges define the flow of data between them. The fundamental operations to
perform on a flow are:

* adding a node
* removing a node and incident edges
* adding an edge between a node output and another node's input
* removing an edge

Flow Execution Modes

There are a couple of different modes / algorithms for executing a flow.

**Data Flow**

In the normal data flow mode, data is simply *forward propagated on change*.
Specifically, this means the following:

A node output may have 0 or more outgoing connections/edges. When a node's output
value is updated, the new value is propagated to all connected nodes' inputs. If
there are multiple edges, the order of activation is undefined.

A node input may have 0 or 1 incoming connections/edges. When a node's input receives
new data, the node's *update event* is invoked.

A *flow execution* is started once some node's *update event* is invoked (either
by direct invocation through ``node.update()``, or by receiving input data), or
some node's output value is updated.

A node can consume inputs and update outputs at any time.


    * no non-terminating feedback loops.

**Data Flow with Optimization**

Since the naive implementation of the above specification can be highly inefficient
in some cases, a more advanced algorithm can be used.
This algorithm ensures that, during a *flow execution*, each *edge* is updated at most
It should implement the same semantics as the data flow algorithm, but with a slightly
tightened assumption:

    * no feedback loops / cycles in the graph
    * nodes never modify their ports (inputs, outputs) during execution (*update event*)

The additional work required for this at the beginning of a *flow execution* is based
on a DP algorithm running in :math:`\\mathcal{O}(|V|+ |E|)` time, where
:math:`|V|` is the number of nodes and
:math:`|E|` is the number of edges.
However, when there are multiple consecutive executions without
any subsequent changes to the graph, this work does not need to be repeated and execution
is fast.

**Execution Flow**

The special *exec mode* uses an additional type of connection (edge): the
*execution connection*.
While pure data flows are the more common use case, some applications call for a slightly
different paradigm. You can think of the exec mode as e.g. UnrealEngine's blueprint system.

In *exec mode*, calling ``node.exec_output(index)`` has a similar effect as calling
``node.set_output_val(index, val)`` in *data mode*,
but without any data being propagated, so it's just a trigger signal.
Pushing output data, however, does not cause updates in successor nodes.

When a node is updated (it received an *update event* through an *exec connection*), once it
needs input data (it calls ``self.input(index)``), if that input is connected to some
predecessor node `P`, then `P` receives an *update event* with ``inp=-1``, during which
it should push the output data.
Therefore, data is not forward propagated on change (``node.set_output_val(index, value)``),
but generated on request (backwards,
``node.input()`` -> ``pred.update_event()`` -> ``pred.set_output_val()`` -> return).

The *exec mode* is still somewhat experimental, because the *data mode* is the far more
common use case. It is not yet clear how to best implement the *exec mode* in a way that
is both efficient and easy to use.


    * no non-terminating feedback loops with exec connections

from .Base import Base, Event
from .Data import Data
from .FlowExecutor import DataFlowNaive, DataFlowOptimized, FlowExecutor, executor_from_flow_alg
from .Node import Node
from .NodePort import NodeOutput, NodeInput
from .RC import FlowAlg, PortObjPos
from .utils import *
from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Type

[docs] class Flow(Base): """ Manages all abstract flow components (nodes, edges, executors, etc.) and exposes methods for modification. """ def __init__(self, session, title: str): Base.__init__(self) # events self.node_added = Event(Node) self.node_removed = Event(Node) self.node_created = Event(Node) self.connection_added = Event((NodeOutput, NodeInput)) # Event(Connection) self.connection_removed = Event((NodeOutput, NodeInput)) # Event (Connection) self.connection_request_valid = Event(bool) self.nodes_created_from_data = Event(list) self.connections_created_from_data = Event(list) self.algorithm_mode_changed = Event(str) # connect events to add-ons for addon in session.addons.values(): addon.connect_flow_events(self) # general attributes self.session = session self.title = title self.nodes: List[Node] = [] self.load_data: Optional[Dict] = None self.node_successors: Dict[Node, List[Node]] = {} # additional data structure for executors self.graph_adj: Dict[NodeOutput, List[NodeInput]] = {} # directed adjacency list relating node ports self.graph_adj_rev: Dict[NodeInput, Optional[NodeOutput]] = {} # reverse adjacency; reverse of graph_adj self.alg_mode = FlowAlg.DATA self.executor: FlowExecutor = executor_from_flow_alg(self.alg_mode)(self)
[docs] def load(self, data: Dict): """Loading a flow from data as previously returned by ````.""" super().load(data) self.load_data = data # set algorithm mode self.alg_mode = FlowAlg.from_str(data['algorithm mode']) # build flow self.load_components(data['nodes'], data['connections'], data['output data'])
[docs] def load_components(self, nodes_data, conns_data, output_data): """Loading nodes and their connections from data as previously returned by :code:``. This method will call :code:`Node.rebuilt()` after connections are established on all nodes. Returns the new nodes and connections.""" new_nodes = self._create_nodes_from_data(nodes_data) self._set_output_values_from_data(new_nodes, output_data) new_conns = self._connect_nodes_from_data(new_nodes, conns_data) for n in new_nodes: n.rebuilt() return new_nodes, new_conns
def _create_nodes_from_data(self, nodes_data: List): """create nodes from nodes_data as previously returned by data()""" nodes = [] for n_c in nodes_data: # find class node_class = node_from_identifier( n_c['identifier'], self.session.nodes.union(self.session.invisible_nodes) ) node = self.create_node(node_class, n_c) nodes.append(node) self.nodes_created_from_data.emit(nodes) return nodes def _set_output_values_from_data(self, nodes: List[Node], data: List): for d in data: indices = d['dependent node outputs'] indices_paired = zip(indices[0::2], indices[1::2]) for node_index, output_index in indices_paired: # find Data class dt_id = d['data']['identifier'] if dt_id == 'Data': data_type = Data else: data_type = self.session.data_types.get(dt_id) if data_type is None: print_err(f'Tried to use unregistered Data type ' f'{dt_id} while loading. Skipping. ' f'Please register data types before using them.') continue nodes[node_index].outputs[output_index].val = \ data_type(load_from=d['data'])
[docs] def create_node(self, node_class: Type[Node], data=None): """Creates, adds and returns a new node object""" if node_class not in self.session.nodes: print_err(f'Node class {node_class} not in session nodes') return # instantiate node node = node_class((self, self.session)) # connect to node events node.input_added.sub(lambda n, i, inp: self.add_node_input(n, inp), nice=-5) node.output_added.sub(lambda n, i, out: self.add_node_output(n, out), nice=-5) node.input_removed.sub(lambda n, i, inp: self.remove_node_input(n, inp), nice=-5) node.output_removed.sub(lambda n, i, out: self.remove_node_output(n, out), nice=-5) # initialize node ports node.initialize() # load node if data is not None: node.load(data) self.node_created.emit(node) self.add_node(node) return node
[docs] def add_node(self, node: Node): """ Places the node object in the graph, Stores it, and causes the node's ``Node.place_event()`` to be executed. ``Flow.create_node()`` automatically adds the node already, so no need to call this manually. """ self.nodes.append(node) self.node_successors[node] = [] # catch up on node ports # notice that add_node_output() and add_node_input() are called by Node. # but it's ignored when the node is not currently placed in the flow for out in node.outputs: self.add_node_output(node, out, False) # self.graph_adj[out] = [] for inp in node.inputs: self.add_node_input(node, inp, False) # self.graph_adj_rev[inp] = None node.after_placement() self._flow_changed() self.node_added.emit(node)
[docs] def remove_node(self, node: Node): """ Removes a node from the flow without deleting it. Can be added again with ``Flow.add_node()``. """ node.prepare_removal() self.nodes.remove(node) del self.node_successors[node] for out in node.outputs: self.remove_node_output(node, out, False) # del self.graph_adj[out] for inp in node.inputs: self.remove_node_input(node, inp, False) # del self.graph_adj_rev[inp] self._flow_changed() # notify addons for addon in self.session.addons.values(): addon.on_node_removed(node) self.node_removed.emit(node)
[docs] def add_node_input(self, node: Node, inp: NodeInput, _call_flow_changed=True): """updates internal data structures""" if node in self.node_successors: self.graph_adj_rev[inp] = None if _call_flow_changed: self._flow_changed()
[docs] def add_node_output(self, node: Node, out: NodeOutput, _call_flow_changed=True): """updates internal data structures.""" if node in self.node_successors: self.graph_adj[out] = [] if _call_flow_changed: self._flow_changed()
[docs] def remove_node_input(self, node: Node, inp: NodeInput, _call_flow_changed=True): """updates internal data structures.""" if node in self.node_successors: del self.graph_adj_rev[inp] if _call_flow_changed: self._flow_changed()
[docs] def remove_node_output(self, node: Node, out: NodeOutput, _call_flow_changed=True): """updates internal data structures.""" if node in self.node_successors: del self.graph_adj[out] if _call_flow_changed: self._flow_changed()
def _connect_nodes_from_data(self, nodes: List[Node], data: List): connections = [] for c in data: c_parent_node_index = c['parent node index'] c_connected_node_index = c['connected node'] c_output_port_index = c['output port index'] c_connected_input_port_index = c['connected input port index'] if c_connected_node_index is not None: # which can be the case when pasting parent_node = nodes[c_parent_node_index] connected_node = nodes[c_connected_node_index] connections.append( self.connect_nodes( parent_node.outputs[c_output_port_index], connected_node.inputs[c_connected_input_port_index], silent=True )) self.connections_created_from_data.emit(connections) return connections
[docs] def check_connection_validity(self, c: Tuple[NodeOutput, NodeInput]) -> bool: """ Checks whether a considered connect action is legal. """ out, inp = c valid = True if out.node == inp.node: valid = False if out.io_pos == inp.io_pos or out.type_ != inp.type_: valid = False if out.io_pos != PortObjPos.OUTPUT: valid = False self.connection_request_valid.emit(valid) return valid
[docs] def connect_nodes(self, out: NodeOutput, inp: NodeInput, silent=False) -> Optional[Tuple[NodeOutput, NodeInput]]: """ Connects two node ports. Returns the connection if successful, None otherwise. """ if not self.check_connection_validity((out, inp)): print_err('Invalid connect request.') return None if inp in self.graph_adj[out]: return None self.add_connection((out, inp), silent=silent) return out, inp
[docs] def disconnect_nodes(self, out: NodeOutput, inp: NodeInput, silent=False): """ Disconnects two node ports. """ if not self.check_connection_validity((out, inp)): print_err('Invalid disconnect request.') return if inp not in self.graph_adj[out]: return self.remove_connection((out, inp), silent=silent)
[docs] def add_connection(self, c: Tuple[NodeOutput, NodeInput], silent=False): """ Adds an edge between two node ports. """ out, inp = c self.graph_adj[out].append(inp) self.graph_adj_rev[inp] = out self.node_successors[out.node].append(inp.node) self._flow_changed() self.executor.conn_added(out, inp, silent=silent) self.connection_added.emit((out, inp))
[docs] def remove_connection(self, c: Tuple[NodeOutput, NodeInput], silent=False): """ Removes an edge. """ out, inp = c self.graph_adj[out].remove(inp) self.graph_adj_rev[inp] = None self.node_successors[out.node].remove(inp.node) self._flow_changed() self.executor.conn_removed(out, inp, silent=silent) # self.connection_removed.emit((out, inp))
[docs] def connected_inputs(self, out: NodeOutput) -> List[NodeInput]: """ Returns a list of all connected inputs to the given output port. """ return self.graph_adj[out]
[docs] def connected_output(self, inp: NodeInput) -> Optional[NodeOutput]: """ Returns the connected output port to the given input port, or :code:`None` if it is not connected. """ return self.graph_adj_rev[inp]
[docs] def algorithm_mode(self) -> str: """ Returns the current algorithm mode of the flow as string. """ return FlowAlg.str(self.alg_mode)
[docs] def set_algorithm_mode(self, mode: str): """ Sets the algorithm mode of the flow from a string, possible values are 'data', 'data opt', and 'exec'. """ new_alg_mode = FlowAlg.from_str(mode) if new_alg_mode is None: return False self.executor = executor_from_flow_alg(new_alg_mode)(self) self.alg_mode = new_alg_mode self.algorithm_mode_changed.emit(self.algorithm_mode()) return True
def _flow_changed(self): self.executor.flow_changed = True
[docs] def data(self) -> dict: """ Serializes the flow: returns a JSON compatible dict containing all data of the flow. """ return { **super().data(), 'algorithm mode': FlowAlg.str(self.alg_mode), 'nodes': self._gen_nodes_data(self.nodes), 'connections': self._gen_conns_data(self.nodes), 'output data': self._gen_output_data(self.nodes), }
def _gen_nodes_data(self, nodes: List[Node]) -> List[dict]: """Returns the data dicts of the nodes given""" return [ for n in nodes] def _gen_conns_data(self, nodes: List[Node]) -> List[dict]: """Generates the connections data between and relative to the nodes passed""" # notice that this is intentionally not part of Connection, because connection data # is generated always for a specific set of nodes (like all currently selected ones) # and the data dict therefore has the refer to the indices of the nodes in the nodes list data = [] for i, n in enumerate(nodes): for j, out in enumerate(n.outputs): for inp in self.graph_adj[out]: if inp.node in nodes: data.append({ 'parent node index': i, 'output port index': j, 'connected node': nodes.index(inp.node), 'connected input port index': inp.node.inputs.index(inp), }) return data def _gen_output_data(self, nodes: List[Node]) -> List[Dict]: """Serializes output data of the nodes""" outputs_data: Dict[Data, Dict] = {} for i_n, n in enumerate(nodes): for i_o, out in enumerate(n.outputs): d = out.val if isinstance(d, Data) and d not in outputs_data: outputs_data[d] = { 'data':, 'dependent node outputs': [i_n, i_o], } elif isinstance(d, Data): outputs_data[d]['dependent node outputs'] += [i_n, i_o] return list(outputs_data.values())